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Dear Ms. Tiegs,.....

First of all, I must acknowledge your public apology of 'fat shaming' Ashley Graham, although I personally see it as just you saving your public face at this point instead of genuinely reflecting back on your knee jerk responses on SI choosing a voluptuous model for their swimsuit cover. But I digress....To quote you: "I don't like it that we're talking about full-figured women because we're glamorizing them, and your waist should be smaller than 35 inches. That's what Dr. Oz said and I'm sticking to it". And: "I don't think it's healthy in the long run"....Finally: "Being anorexic/bulimic/overweight all connected to health problems, I want all to be as healthy as they can." It's so admirable that you want anorexics and bulimics to be 'as healthy as they can', especially since they are both very serious and potientially deadly eating disorders. Regarding overweight health problems, sure lots of overweight and obese people are dealing with multiple comorbidities related to their personal health but did you also know that you can have a higher body mass index and have absolutely zero health problems? According to an epidemiologist at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, hundreds of mortality studies that included data on BMI, people with BMIs of more than 25 are classified as overweight and those with BMI over 30 is obese. The doctor found the lowest mortality rates among people in the overweight to mildly obese categories. It's true that these groups are at slightly higher risk to suffer from heart disease in the first place but MANY other factors influence the liklihood of a person getting heart disease. A very strong link between weight and disease only emerges among people with severe obesity. Hence, if you truly take care of yourself despite carrying a little extra weight, you can be perfectly healthy on the inside.

It seems to me you should be a little more sympathetic of going outside of the 'norms' of beauty, seeing as you are almost 70 years old and obviously still care very much about your looks. You should be proud that you yourself are breaking age barriers related to fashion and beauty alone, so I can't understand why you wouldn't be able to allow yourself to be happy for those of us who are curvy and happy to display it in public. Just because it wasn't the norm in the 70s and 80s to be above a size 2 in the modeling world, guess what? There's a whole community of beautiful, confident 'plus size' models and that's NOT going away, it's changing with the times, just as it should be.

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